Chapter 2. Installation
20 Express XR/XRT Quick Start Guide 61200.153L1-13
Figure 2-9
Express XRT Disabled, External Analog Modem Enabled
This icon is not available when using an Express XR. Double
clicking on this icon, when using an Express XRT, enables the
external analog modem.
The icon illustrated in Figure 2-10 indicates the external analog
modem is not connected and/or not enabled.
Double clicking on this icon enables the external modem when
connected to an Express XRT. This is the default icon when in
use with the Express XR.
Figure 2-10
Express XR/XRT Enabled, External Analog Modem Disabled
The icon illustrated in Figure 2-11 indicates the Express Configu-
ration Wizard Tray Tool is in an unknown state. This icon may
appear if the Express XRT is not connected to a COM port on the
PC. Double clicking on this icon instructs the Express Configu-
ration Tray Tool to refresh the connection status.
Figure 2-11
Unknown State