Chapter 1. Introduction
1-6 MX2800 STS-1 User Manual 61200659L1-1
supports the MIB-II standard, RFC 1213, RFC 1595, and the
ADTRAN Enterprise Specific MIB.
The term SNMP broadly refers to the message protocols used to
exchange information between the network management system
(NMS) and the managed devices, as well as to the structure of
device management databases. SNMP has three basic components,
the network manager, the agent, and the MIB.
Network Manager
The network manager is a set of control programs that collect,
control, and present data pertinent to the operation of the network
devices. These programs reside on a network management station.
The agent is a control program that resides in every network device.
This program responds to queries and commands from the network
manager, returns requested information or invokes configuration
changes initiated by the manager, and sends unsolicited traps to the
A MIB is an industry standard presentation of all status and
configuration parameters supported by a network device.
Telnet provides a password-protected, remote login facility to the
MX2800 STS-1 that allows a remote user to control the MX2800
STS-1 through the terminal menus. Only one Telnet session may be
active at a time.
MIB files are available at