Appendix D. Glossary
D-4 MX2800 STS-1 User Manual 61200659L1-1
An oscillator-generated signal that provides a timing reference for a transmission
link. A clock provides signals used in a transmission system to control the timing
of certain functions. The clock has two functions: (1) to generate periodic signals
for synchronization, and (2) to provide a time base.
Customer premises equipment. All telecommunications terminal equipment
located on the customer premises, including telephone sets, private branch
exchanges (PBXs), data terminals, and customer-owned
coin-operated tele-
craft port
The electrical interface between the MX2800 STS-1 and the control terminal.
The control terminal is used to communicate commands to the unit.
Channel service unit. A device used to connect a digital phone line coming in
from the phone company to either a multiplexer, channel bank, or directly to
another device producing a digital signal; for example, a digital PBX, a PC, or
data communications device. A CSU performs certain line-conditioning and
equalization functions, and responds to loopback commands sent from the cen-
tral office. A CSU also regenerates digital signals. It monitors them for problems
and provides a way of testing the digital circuit.
Clear to send. A signal on the DTE interface indicating that the DCE is clear to
send data.
data communications equipment
See DCE.
data service unit
See DSU.
Decibel. A unit of measure of signal strength; usually the relation between a
transmitted signal and a standard signal source.