NetVanta ISDN BRI Dial Backup Interface Module (DIM) P/N 1200865L1
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Quick Start Guide
Quick Start Guide, 61200865L1-13E, July 2006 Technical Support 1-888-4ADTRAN (1-888-423-8726) Copyright © 2006 ADTRAN, All Rights Reserved
alias <“text”>
Populates the ifAlias OID (Interface Table MIB of RFC2863) for all physical and virtual
interfaces when using SNMP management station.
bonding txadd-timer <seconds>
Specifies the value (in seconds) for the aggregate call connect timeout. Use the no
form of this command to return to the default value.
<seconds> Specifies the number of seconds the endpoint will wait for
additional channels (to add to the bonded aggregate) before
considering the bonding negotiation a failure
bonding txcid-timer <seconds>
Specifies the value (in seconds) for the bearer channel (B-channel) negotiation
timeout. Use the no form of this command to return to the default value.
<seconds> Specifies the number of seconds the endpoint allots for
negotiating data rates and channel capacities before
considering the bonding negotiation a failure.
bonding txdeq-timer <seconds>
Specifies the value (in seconds) for the network delay equalization timeout. Use the no
form of this command to return to the default value.
<seconds> Specifies the number of seconds the endpoint allots for
attempting to equalize the network delay between bearer
channels before considering the bonding negotiation a failure.
bonding txfa-timer <seconds>
Specifies the value (in seconds) for the frame pattern detection timeout. Use the no
form of this command to return to the default value.
<seconds> Specifies the number of seconds the endpoint allots for
attempting to detect the bonding frame pattern (when a call is
connected) before considering the bonding negotiation a
bonding txinit-timer <seconds>
Specifies the value (in seconds) for the originating endpoint negotiation timeout. Use
the no form of this command to return to the default value.
<seconds> Specifies the number of seconds the endpoint waits to detect
the bonding negotiation frame pattern from the remote
endpoint (when a call is connected) before considering the
bonding negotiation a failure.
bonding txnull-timer <seconds>
Specifies the value (in seconds) for the answering endpoint negotiation timeout. Use
the no form of this command to return to the default value.
<seconds> Specifies the number of seconds the endpoint waits to detect
the bonding negotiation frame pattern from the originating
endpoint (after answering a call) before considering the
bonding negotiation a failure.
caller-id override [always <number> | if-no-CID <number>]
Configures the unit to replace caller ID information with a user-specified number. Use
the no form of this command to disable any caller ID overrides.
always <number> Always forces replacement of the incoming caller ID number
with the number given.
if-no-CID <number> Replaces the incoming caller ID number with the number given
only if there is no caller ID information available for the
incoming call.
description <text>
Identifies the specified interface, both physical and virtual (for example, circuit ID,
contact information, etc.), using up to 80 alphanumeric characters.
isdn spid1 <spid> <ldn>
Specifies the Service Profile Identifiers (SPIDs). This information should be supplied
by your service provider. Use the no form of this command to remove a configured
<spid> Specifies the 8 to 14 digit number identifying your Basic Rate
ISDN (BRI) line in the central office switch. A SPID is generally
created using the area code and phone number associated
with the line and a four-digit suffix.
Optional. Specifies the
LDN assigned to the circuit by the
service provider. The LDN is the number used by remote
callers to dial into the ISDN circuit. If the <ldn> field is left
blank, the AOS will not accept inbound dial-backup calls to the
BRI module.
isdn spid2 <spid> <ldn>
See isdn spid1.
isdn switch-type [basic-5ess | basic-dms | basic-net3 | basic-ni*]
Specifies the ISDN signaling type configured on the Basic Rate ISDN (BRI) interface.
The type of ISDN signaling implemented on the BRI interface does not always match
the manufacturer of the Central Office switch. Use the no form of this command to
return to the default value. This setting is determined by your service provider.
basic-5ess Specifies Lucent/AT&T 5ESS signaling.
basic-dms Specifies Nortel DMS-100 custom signaling.The basic-dms
signaling type is not compatible with proprietary SL-1 DMS
basic-net3 Specifies Net3 Euro-ISDN signalling.
basic-ni* Specifies National-ISDN 1 signaling.
Disables the interface (both physical and virtual) so that no data will be passed
through. Use the no version of this command to turn on the interface and allows it to
pass data.
*Indicates default values.