Chapter 6. Configuration
61200051L1-1D ISU 2x64 Dual Port ISDN Service Unit User Manual 61
When originating calls to unknown units, the ISU begins its pro-
tocol selection based on its local Call Type. (Data 64k is used for
FALLBACK when selected from the Quick Setup menu.) Upon
connection at 64k Call Type, BONDING, V.120, and PPP are
attempted. If connection is not made at 64k, the ISU attempts
another call at 56k Call Type. If the protocol cannot be negoti-
ated, the ISU hangs up the call.
Point-to-Point (PPP) Async-to-Sync
PPP provides a standard method for transporting multi-protocol
datagrams over point-to-point links. The ADTRAN PPP async-
sync protocol allows the ISU 2X64 and a PC or Macintosh® run-
ning PPP software, to communicate with a PPP-compatible
bridge or router. The PPP async-sync protocol complies with
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) RFC 1662. The menu path
to select PPP is shown in Figure 6-23.
The asynchronous control character map (ACCM) option is
scanned during the negotiation. When the ACCM option is seen
in a configure ACK link control packet, it is adopted by the ISU
2x64. In addition, when the ACCM option is not seen in the con-
figure-request packet from the network, the ISU 2x64 will add it
to the packet.
Figure 6-23
PPP Menu Tree
1=Netw. options
2=DTE options
4=Quick setup
6=Remote Config
1=Clear Channel
2=BONDING mode 1
5=DSU 57.6 ASYNC
9=PPP async-sync
2=Multilink PPP
3=PPP w/Comp