vi NT1 ACE
User Manual 61200242L1-1
( ) The encoded analog content and billing protection is
factory set and is not under the control of the customer.
I attest that the operator(s)/maintainer(s) of the digital
CPE responsible for the establishment, maintenance, and
adjustment of the encoded analog content and billing in-
formation has (have) been trained to perform these func-
following (check appropriate blocks):
( ) A. A training course provided by the manufacturer/
grantee of the equipment used to encode analog signals;
( ) B. A training course provided by the customer or au-
thorized representative, using training materials and in-
structions provided by the manufacturer/grantee of the
equipment used to encode analog signals; or
( ) C. An independent training course (e.g., trade school
or technical institution) recognized by the manufacturer/
grantee of the equipment used to encode analog signals;
( ) D. In lieu of the preceding training requirements, the
operator(s)/maintainer(s) is (are) under the control of a
supervisor trained in accordance with _________ (circle
one) above.
I agree to provide _________________ (telco's name) with
proper documentation to demonstrate compliance with
the information as provided in the preceding paragraph,
if so requested.