PCM-9588 User Manual 40 The VGA Control API
There are two kinds of VGA control APIs, backlight on/off control and brightness con-
trol. Backlight on/off control allows a developer to turn on or off the backlight, and to
control brightness smoothly. The Watchdog API
A watchdog timer (abbreviated as WDT) is a hardware device which triggers an
action, e.g. rebooting the system, if the system does not reset the timer within a spe-
cific period of time. The WDT API in SUSI provides developers with functions such as
starting the timer, resetting the timer, and setting the timeout value if the hardware
requires customized timeout values. The Hardware Monitor API
The hardware monitor (abbreviated as HWM) is a system health supervision capabil-
ity achieved by placing certain I/O chips along with sensors for inspecting the target
of interests for certain condition indexes, such as fan speed, temperature and voltage
However, due to the inaccuracy among many commercially available hardware mon-
itoring chips, Advantech has developed a unique scheme for hardware monitoring -
achieved by using a dedicated micro-processor with algorithms specifically designed
to provide accurate, real-time and reliable data content; helping protect your system
in a more reliable manner
4.3.3 SUSI Installation
SUSI supports many different operating systems. Each subsection below describes
how to install SUSI and related software on a specific operating system. Please refer
to the subsection matching your operating system. Windows XP
In windows XP, you can install the library, drivers and demo programs onto the plat-
form easily using the installation tool - The SUSI Library Installer. After the installer
has executed, the SUSI Library and related files for Windows XP can be found in the
target installation directory. The files are listed in the following table.
The following section illustrates the installation process.
Directory Contents
\Library ! Susi.lib
Library for developing the applications on Windows XP.
! Susi.dll
Dynamic library for SUSI on Windows XP.
\Demo ! SusiDemo.EXE
Demo program on Windows XP.
! Susi.dll
Dynamic library for SUSI on Windows XP.
\Demo\SRC Source code of the demo program on Windows XP.
Note! The the SUSI Library Installer shown on each screen will depend on the
particular version installed.