Figure 4.5 Regflash utility
It is important to keep the power normal during "Save to Flash" process. If the power
were broken down during the registry saving process, then the registry would be lost
and corrupted. On the next time you turn on platform, the system would load the
default registry setting rather than the previously customized registry setting.
4.4.2 Reboot
The utility "Reboot" is a convenient tool to reset the system. From the Windows
CE.NET status bar, tap "Start/Run". Use the soft-keyboard to input "reboot" command
in the command text box and press "OK". The other ways to reboot are clicking the
“Reboot” button on the Watchdog page of the built-in utility System Configurator and
hardware reboot button.
Figure 4.6 Reboot the system
4.4.3 Startup execution
The SPC has one useful function call "Startup execution". After the system boot up,
the startup execution function would automatically perform. This function is useful
for control system to do the initialization processes or some other procedures. In SPC,