
3 Chapter 1
1.2 Software Overview
Advantech offers a rich set of DLL drivers, third-party driver support and
application software on the companion CD-ROM to help fully exploit the
functions of your device. Advantech’s Device Drivers feature a complete
I/O function library to help boost your application performance and work
seamlessly with development tools such as Visual C++, Visual Basic,
Inprise C++ Builder, and Inprise Delphi.
1.2.1 More on the CD
For instructions on how to begin programming in each development tool,
Advantech offers some tutorial chapters in the Device Drivers Manual for
your reference. Please refer to the corresponding sections in these chap-
ters on the Device Drivers Manual to begin your programming efforts.
You can also look at the example source code provided for each program-
ming tool, since they can get you very well oriented.
The Device Drivers Manual can be found on the companion CD-ROM.
Alternatively, if you have already installed the Device Drivers on your
system, The Device Drivers Manual can be readily accessed through the
Start button:
Start/Programs/Advantech Automation/Advantech Device Manager /
Device Driver’s Manual
The example source code can be found under the corresponding installa-
tion folder such as the default installation path:
\Program Files\Advantech\ADSAPI\Examples