Agilent LED technology has
produced 800 nm LED and 1300
nm LED devices with lower aging
characteristics than normally
associated with these technolo-
gies in the industry. The industry
convention is 3 dB aging for 800
nm and 1.5 dB aging for 1300 nm
LEDs. The 1300 nm HP LEDs are
specified to experience less than
1 dB of aging over normal
commercial equipment mission
life periods. Contact your Agilent
sales representative for additional
Figure 4 was generated for the
1300 nm transceivers with an
Agilent fiber optic link model
containing the current industry
conventions for fiber cable
specifications and the draft ANSI
T1E1.2. These optical parameters
are reflected in the guaranteed
performance of the transceiver
specifications in this data sheet.
This same model has been used
extensively in the ANSI and IEEE
committees, including the ANSI
T1E1.2 committee, to establish
the optical performance
requirements for various fiber
optic interface standards. The
cable parameters used come from
the ISO/IEC JTC1/SC 25/WG3
Generic Cabling for Customer
Premises per DIS 11801 docu-
ment and the EIA/TIA-568-A
Commercial Building
Telecommunications Cabling
Standard per SP-2840.
The HFBR-5203 series 800 nm
transceiver curve in Figure 4 was
generated based on extensive
empirical test data of the 800 nm
transceiver performance. The
curve includes the effect of typical
fiber attenuation, plus receiver
sensitivity loss due to chromatic
and metal dispersion losses
through the fiber.
Transceiver Signaling
Operating Rate Range and BER
For purposes of definition, the
symbol (Baud) rate, also called
signaling rate, is the reciprocal of
the symbol time. Data rate (bits/
sec) is the symbol rate divided by
the encoding factor used to
encode the data (symbols/bit).
When used in 155 Mbps SONET
OC-3 applications the perform-
ance of the 1300 nm transceivers,
HFBR-5204/5205 is guaranteed
to the full conditions listed in
individual product specification
The transceivers may be used for
other applications at signaling
rates different than 155 Mbps
with some variation in the link
optical power budget. Figure 5
gives an indication of the typical
performance of these products at
different rates.
These transceivers can also be
used for applications which
require different Bit Error Rate
(BER) performance. Figure 6
The following information is
provided to answer some of the
most common questions about
the use of these parts.
Transceiver Optical Power
Budget versus Link Length
Optical Power Budget (OPB) is
the available optical power for a
fiber optic link to accommodate
fiber cable losses plus losses due
to in-line connectors, splices,
optical switches, and to provide
margin for link aging and
unplanned losses due to cable
plant reconfiguration or repair.
Figure 4 illustrates the predicted
OPB associated with the three
transceivers series specified in
this data sheet at the Beginning of
Life (BOL). These curves repre-
sent the attenuation and chromatic
plus modal dispersion losses
associated with the 62.5/125 µm
and 50/125 µm fiber cables only.
The area under the curves
represents the remaining OPB at
any link length, which is available
for overcoming non-fiber cable
Figure 4. Optical Power Budget vs. Fiber Optic Cable Length.
0.5 1.5 2.0 2.5
HFBR-5205, 62.5/125 µm
50/125 µm
62.5/125 µm
62.5/125 µm
50/125 µm
50/125 µm