Language Dictionary
This section gives the syntax and parameters for all the IEEE 488.2 SCPI commands and the Common
commands used by the dc source. It is assumed that you are familiar with the material in “Chapter 2 -
"Remote Programming". That chapter explains the terms, symbols, and syntactical structures used here
and gives an introduction to programming. You should also be familiar with “Chapter 4 - Front Panel
Operation” (in the Operating Guide) in order to understand how the dc source functions.
The programming examples are simple applications of SCPI commands. Because the SCPI syntax
remains the same for all programming languages, the examples given for each command are generic.
Syntax Forms Syntax definitions use the long form, but only short form headers (or "keywords")
appear in the examples. Use the long form to help make your program self-
Parameters Most commands require a parameter and all queries will return a parameter.The range
for a parameter may vary according to the model of dc source. When this is the case,
refer to the Specifications table in the Operating Guide.
Models If a command only applies to specific models, those models are listed in the <Model>
Only entry. If there is no <Model> Only entry, the command applies to all models.
Where appropriate, related commands or queries are included. These are listed
because they are either directly related by function, or because reading about them will
clarify or enhance your understanding of the original command or query.
Order of
The dictionary is organized according to the following functions: calibration,
measurement, output, status, system, and trigger. Both the subsystem commands and
the common commands that follow are arranged in alphabetical order under each
Subsystem Commands
Subsystem commands are specific to functions. They can be a single command or a group of
commands. The groups are comprised of commands that extend one or more levels below the root.
The subsystem command groups are grouped according to function: Calibration, Measurement, Output,
Status, System, and Trigger. Commands under each function are grouped alphabetically. Commands
followed by a question mark (?) take only the query form. When commands take both the command and
query form, this is noted in the syntax descriptions. Table 4-1 lists all of the subsystem commands
inalphabetical order.