Remote Operation 80
Table 5-8. Error Messages
Front Panel
NO ERROR 0 This is the response to the ERR? query when there are no errors.
INVALID CHAR 1 You sent the supply a character it did not recognize.
INVALID NUM 2 Format of your number is incorrect. Check number syntax.
INVALID STR 3 or 28 Occurs when you send a command the supply does not understand.
SYNTAX ERROR 4 Either too many parameters are sent without delimiters or the number
representation is incorrect. Follow the Syntax Diagram in Figure 5-2. Check
spaces and delimiters.
NUMBER RANGE 5 An out of range number was sent. Send a new number within the legal range.
NO QUERY 6 Computer addressed the supply to talk, but it did not first request data. Send
query first then address supply to talk.
DISP LENGTH 7 Quoted string exceeds the display length of 12 characters. Shorten string to a
maximum of 12 characters.
BUFFER FULL 8 This error may occur if too many numbers are sent. Error #4 or #5 may occur
EEPROM ERROR 9 EEPROM is not responding correctly to programming commands. An
instrument failure has occurred and service is required.
HARDWARE ERR 10 An output error has occurred in an unknown output. Service is required.
HDW ERR CH 1 11 Errors 11 through 14 refer to a specific output where there is an output error.
Service is required.
HDW ERR CH 2 12 Same as in Error #11
HDW ERR CH 3 13 Same as in Error #11
HDW ERR CH 4 14 Same as in Error #11
NO MODEL NUM 15 The interface cannot find its model number. There may be a hardware failure
or the instrument may require reprogramming. Service is required.
CAL ERROR 16 You tried to use either a calibration command with CMODE off or the
calibration failed while in CMODE. Enable CMODE and check numbers sent
during calibration. Also, there could be a hardware error.
UNCALIBRATED 17 There is an incorrect checksum in the EEPROM possibly as a result of
incorrect calibration procedure. Recalibrate, and if the problem persists, your
supply has a hardware failure.