
Language Dictionary 79
This command sets the overvoltage protection (OVP) level of the Agilent SAS. If the output voltage exceeds the OVP
level, then the Agilent SAS output is disabled and the Questionable Condition status register OV bit is set (see chapter 8 for
more information). An overvoltage condition can be cleared with the OUTP:PROT:CLE command after the condition that
caused the OVP trip is removed. The OVP always trips with zero delay and is unaffected by the OUTP:PROT:DEL
Command Syntax [SOURce]:VOLTage:PROTection[:LEVel] <NRf+>
Parameters Table 7-3
Default Suffix V
*RST Value MAX
Query Syntax [SOURce]:VOLTage:PROTection[:LEVel]?
[SOURce]:VOLTage:PROTection [:LEVel]? MIN
[SOURce]:VOLTage:PROTection [:LEVel]? MAX
Returned Parameters <NR3> VOLT:PROT? returns presently programmed OVP level.
VOLT:PROT? MAX and VOLT:PROT? MIN return the
maximum and minimum programmable OVP levels.
Related Commands OUTP:PROT:CLE *RST *SAV *RCL
This command sets the open circuit voltage in Simulator mode. If you are programming a slave unit that is paralleled to a
master unit, you must set the same Voc value to the master and the slave unit.
Command Syntax [SOURce]:VOLTage:SASimulator:VOC <NRf>
Parameters 0 to 65V for Agilent E4350B
0 to 130V for Agilent E4351B
*RST Value Vmax
Examples VOLT:SAS:VOC 60
Query Syntax [SOURce]:VOLTage:SASimulator:VOC?
Returned Parameters <NRI>
Related Commands VOLT:SAS:VMP
This command sets the voltage at the peak power point in Simulator mode. If you are programming a slave unit that is
paralleled to a master unit, you must set the same Vmp value to the master and the slave unit.
Command Syntax [SOURce]:VOLTage:SASimulator:VMP <NRf>
Parameters VOC
*RST Value 0.8 X 61.5V for Agilent E4350B
0.8 X 123V for Agilent E4351B
Examples VOLT:SAS:VMP 50
Query Syntax [SOURce]:VOLTage:SASimulator:VMP?
Returned Parameters <NRI>
Related Commands VOLT:SAS:VOC