Language Dictionary 65
Meaning and Type
Power-on Status Clear Device Initialization
This command controls the automatic clearing at power turn-on of the Service Request Enable register and the Standard
Event Status Enable register. The setting of the *PSC command is stored in non-volatile memory.
If the command parameter = 1, then the above registers are cleared at power turn-on. If the command parameter = 0, then
the above registers are not cleared at power turn-on but are programmed to their last state prior to power turn on. This is the
most common application for *PSC and enables the power module to generate an SRQ (Service Request) at power on.
*PSC writes to nonvolatile memory. If *PSC is programmed to 0, then the *ESE and *SRE
commands also write to nonvolatile memory. The nonvolatile memory has a finite maximum number
of write cycles (see Supplemental Characteristics in appendix A). Programs that repeatedly write to
nonvolatile memory can eventually exceed the maximum number of write cycles and may cause the
memory to fail.
Command Syntax *PSC <bool>
Parameters 0 | 1 | OFF | ON
Example *PSC 0 *PSC 1
Query Syntax *PSC?
Returned Parameters <NR1> 0 | 1
Related Commands *ESE *SRE
Meaning and Type
Recall Device State
Recalling a previously stored state may place hazardous voltage at the Agilent SAS output.
This command restores the Agilent SAS to a state that was previously stored in memory with a *SAV command to the
specified location. The following states are recalled:
Sending *RCL also does the following:
l Forces an ABORt command before resetting any parameters (this cancels any uncompleted trigger actions).
l Disables the calibration function by setting CAL:STATe to OFF.
l Sets display functions as follows:
[:WIND][:STATe] to ON.
[:WIND]:TEXT to ’ ’.
l Sets INIT:CONT to OFF.
l Sets TRIG:SOUR to BUS.
l Resets the Agilent SAS to FIXed mode (CURR:MODE:FIX)
At power turn-on, the Agilent SAS normally is returned to the factory defined turn-on state (see *RST). However, it also
may turn on to the state stored in location 0 (see chapter 5 under Turn-On Condition).