
F - 14
Manufacturer: Sealand Technology
13128 State Route 226
P.O. Box 38
Big Prairie, Ohio. 44611
Phone: 1-800-321-9866
The RV toilet in your Airstream is a design that has been used for many years.
In normal use simply depress the pedal and this dumps the sewage while fresh water
flushes down the side of the bowl. Water will continue to run into the bowl for a short
time after the pedal is released.
CAUTION: When you dump the bowl of the toilet make sure all paper and solids
have cleared the mechanism before you allow it to close. Failure to do so can
cause the mechanism to become jammed and it will no longer close completely.
The Owner’s Manual supplied with the toilet has several maintenance and cleaning
instructions. Please read and follow all instructions.