
6 Alcatel-Lucent 5750 Subscriber Services Controller
The Alcatel-Lucent 5750 SSC
provides centralized management
control and a data repository for:
•Subscriber administration
Creation and management of
subscriber accounts, user profiles
and device profiles
Service administration — Creation
of service profiles and triple-play
services bundles
Network-policy administration
Administration and configuration
of per-subscriber and per-service
resource policies in the end-to-end
The flexible policy-management
framework of the Alcatel-Lucent
5750 SSC uses this information for
three key policy decision functions:
Network access control
Authentication, authorization
and accounting (AAA ) for eligible
subscribers and user devices to
provide access to network-based
services, applications and content,
with the support of 802.1x EAP,
RADIUS and DHCP. The Alcatel-
Lucent 5750 SSC provides full
flexibility to attach user devices
using a range of wireline and
wireless-access network technolo -
gies, with support for IP address
assignment and management
(IPAM) and the setting of appropri -
ate security and QoS policies in the
network. The Alcatel-Lucent 5750
SSC supports the ETSI TISPAN
network attachment sub system
(NASS) specifications, pro viding
a unified network access- control
solution for both IMS and non-
IMS service environments.
Dynamic service control — Dynamic
application of network policies,
based on various triggers such as
service or change requests from
customer self-service portals,
network events, timer events or
operations support systems (OSS)
(e.g., customer care ad billing).
This control allows service providers
to support dynamic service or band -
width upgrades, offer try-and-buy
service specials, redirect subscribers
to a captive portal in case of non-
payment or virus infection, etc.
Service admission control
Assurance that sufficient resources
are available in the network to
ensure proper throughput guaran -
tees (QoS) for the duration of the
session. While resources for always-
on services such as basic HSI access
can be statically provisioned in
the network, resource allocation
for session-based services such
as VoD is done dynamically for
each request. The Alcatel-Lucent
5750 SSC also enables IMS-based
services by supporting the ETSI
TISPAN access resource and admis -
sion control function (A-RACF).
Through its many open interfaces,
the Alcatel-Lucent 5750 SSC coordi -
nates and integrates information and
control flows among the subscribers
and user devices, OSS, application-
control infrastructure, and end-to-end
network to streamline operational
processes associated with service
delivery in real time.