13Alcatel-Lucent Unlimited Mobile TV Solution
“Our decision to enter a strategic partnership with Alcatel-Lucent is designed to guarantee
our subscribers a network of a constantly increasing quality over the long term,” explained
Elmar Grasser, Chief Technical Officer of E-Plus Mobilfunk GmbH & Co KG. “Alcatel-Lucent
is the world’s leading network integrator with the resources to meet future network
construction and main tenance require ments with greater speed, flexibility and cost
syn ergies than we could alone. And with this step, we’re once again playing a pioneering
role on the German market.”
Alcatel-Lucent is managing several network business divisions of Germany’s
third-largest mobile communications provider, E-Plus Mobilfunk. Under the
terms of the network outsourc ing agreement, E-Plus Mobilfunk transferred
the operational business divisions responsible for the operation, maintenance
and deployment of its cellular network to Alcatel-Lucent, enabling E-Plus to
concentrate on its core business, reduce operational expenses and increase
network quality.
As part of this agreement, about 750 E-Plus employees in Germany joined
E-Plus will maintain responsibility for strategic network planning and network
development, including the selection of mobile communications locations and
their technical equipment to ensure the long-term quality of its cellular network.