5 Reference Guide
On the following pages you will find the description of the different concepts and menu screens of the
5.1 Concepts
5.1.1 Smart Zoom
Smart Zoom provides much more than just a usual automatic zoom feature:
• While following a route: when approaching a turn, it will zoom in and raise the view angle to let
you easily recognize your maneuver at the next junction. If the next turn is at a distance, it will
zoom out and lower the view angle to be flat so you can see the road in front of you.
• While driving without an active route: Smart Zoom will zoom in if you drive slowly and zoom out
when you drive at high speed.
5.1.2 Route calculation and recalculation
Your software calculates the route based on your preferences:
• Route planning methods:
: Gives a quick route if you can travel at or near the speed limit on all
roads. Usually the best selection for fast and normal cars.
: Gives a route that has the smallest total distance of all possible routes.
It can be practical for slow vehicles.
: Gives a quick but fuel efficient route based on the fuel consumption
data given in Route settings. Travel cost and CO
emission calculations are estimations
only. They cannot take elevations, curves and traffic conditions into account.
: Results in a route with fewer turns and no difficult maneuvers. With
this option, you can make your software to take, for example, the freeway instead of a series
of smaller roads or streets.
• Vehicle types:
When creating a new vehicle profile, select one of the below vehicle types.