Using the Oven Control (cont'd)
Self-cleanfeature useshighoven temperatureto clean oven interior.
Forthe oven tooperate througha completeself-cleancycle,the
self-cleanmustbe set when the oven iscool.
1. Prepare oven for self-cleaning(see belowright).Oven bottom
recess mustbe checkedfor grease buildup beforebeginninga self-
clean cycle.See Care and Cleaning.
2. Closedoor. I,
3. Pushand tum oven temperature knobto OVEN
CLEAN position.
• The default self-cleancycle lengthof CLEANOFF, WM
3 hourswilldisplay. BROIL
4. Set cycle lengthfor self-clean.
• Use arrow keys toadjusttime as
necessary beforeoven indicatorlight
turnson. BAKE
• Clean cyclecan be set fromtwo to four PUSHTOTURN
hoursin five minuteincrements.
• Defaultsettingfor thecycle isthree hours.
5. Self-clean begins.
• OVEN ON indicatorlightwillbe on and willremain on untilthe end
ofthe cycle.
• Atthe end oftheself-cleancycle, theOVEN ON indicatorlightwill
shut off.
• Atthe end oftheself-cleancycle, theoven will stopheating,
• The LOCKED indicatorlightwillremainon untiloven reaches a
coolertemperature. LOCKED lightwillflashwhiledoor is
unlocking,and then shut offwhen door has unlocked.Oven cavity
willbe hotto thetouch. DO NOT attemptto open doorpriorto
LOCKED indicatorlightshuttingoff.When oven is cool,tum oven
knobto OFF.
Interrupting the self-clean cycle
To stopa self-cleancyclethat hasalready startedfollowthese steps.
Ifthe interruptionoccursmid cycle,the oven willremainlocked,even
thoughthecycle hasstopped,untiltheoven cavityhascooled to a
Tum oven temperature knobto OFF position.
When oven hascooled toa lowertemperature, LOCKED light
toms off. Door can be unlocked. DO NOT force door.
This can cause damage to the latch.
To avoidfire orsmoke damage,
• remove anyflammable
materialsfrom storagedrawer.
Itemslike plasticcontainersand
paper manualscan meltor burn.
• clean excess spills before
starting a self-clean cycle.
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do nottouchovenvents,or area
These areascanbecomehot
enoughtocause bums.
Toavoid riskof personalinjury,
propertydamage, orfirs, clean
excess grease and soilfrom
oven before beginninga self-
Do I need to prepare?
To get the best resultsfrom the
self-clean cycle, follow these steps:
Clean excess spills from oven
interiorand bottom thoroughly.
Remove birds or animals
susceptible to smoke or other
fumes from the room or
adjoining room.
Open window if possible.
Make sure oven lightcover is
properly in place. Do not use
cleaning cycle if it is not.
Remove oven racks and all cooking
utensils from oven.
Remove items from range top,
backguardand storage drawer.
These areas can become hot during
self-cleaning cycle.
The range vents from the center
bottom of the backguard.Make
sure this area is unobstructed by
removing all items from backguard
and range top.