To avoid the risk of fire or explosion, a
qualified servicer must investigate the
problem which caused the roll-out pro-
tection device to open before manually
resetting the device.
Flame Roll-Out
(Manual Reset)
Figure 14
Rollout Protection
(Shown Without Heat Shield)
Secondary Limit Control
On the PGC and PGB series, a second limit control is
placed on the blower scroll that will open if the blower
should fail, causing elevated temperatures at the con-
trol. The reason for elevated temperatures at the control
should be ascertained and repaired prior to resetting this
manual reset control. The secondary limit control is lo-
cated behind the front center panel on the blower scroll.
(Figure 15).
Secondary Limit
NOTE: Position of Limit Control
Differs From Model to Model.
Figure 15
Position of Limit Control
Reset After Lock-out
Should ignition not be achieved after three tries for any
reason, it will be necessary to reset the electronic igni-
tion module. To reset, it is only necessary to turn the
thermostat below room temperature for thirty seconds,
and then reset it to the desired temperature. The fur-
nace may also be reset after lockout by disengaging the
electric disconnect switch to the furnace for thirty sec-
Operating Instructions (Heating)
NOTE: Figure 16 illustrates the proper gas valve mount-
ing location.
Flame Roll-Out
(Manual Reset)
Figure 16
Gas Valve
1. Close the manual gas valve external to the furnace.
2. Turn off the electrical power supply to the furnace.
3. Set the room thermostat to its lowest possible set-
4. Remove the right hand door on the front of the fur-
nace by removing screws.
5. This furnace is equipped with an ignition device
which automatically lights the burner. Do NOT try to
light burner by any other method.
6. Turn the gas control valve knob to the OFF position.
Do not force. (Figure 16).
7. Wait five minutes to clear out any gas.
8. Smell for gas, including near the ground. This is im-
portant because some types of gas are heavier than
air. If you have waited five minutes and you do smell
gas, immediately follow the instructions on Page 6
of this manual. If you have waited five minutes and
you do NOT smell gas, turn the gas control valve
knob to the ON position. (Figure 16).
9. Replace the door on the front of the furnace.
10. Open the manual gas valve external to the furnace.
11. Turn on the electrical power supply to the furnace.
12. Set the thermostat to desired setting.
NOTE: There is a one minute delay between thermo-
stat energizing and burner firing.