Broiling Guide
Follow these recommendations only as a guide for times and temperatures. Times, rack position, and temperatures
may vary depending on conditions and food type. For best results, always check food at minimum time.
Convection Broiling Guide
Follow these recommendations only as a guide for times and temperatures. Times, rack position, and temperatures
may vary depending on conditions and food type. For best results, always check food at minimum time.
Food Thickness Rack position Cooking time
(doneness) (1=Highest 6=Lowest) (Minutes)
Beef ground 3/4" to 1" 4 10-15
Beef steaks 1" (med) 3 12-14
Beef steaks 1" (well) 3 20
Beef steaks 1-1/2"(med) 3 20-25
Beef steaks 1-1/2" (well) 3 30
Fish fillets and steaks 4 12-18
Pork chops or steaks 1" 3 12-14
Pork chops or steaks 1-1/2" 3 20-25
Bacon 4 10-15
Ham slice (precooked) 1/2" 3 19-20
Ham slice 1" 3 20-30
Food Thickness
Rack position
(1=highest 6=lowest)
Cooking time
Beef ground 3/4" to 1" 5 9-15
Beef steaks 1" (med) 4 9-15
Beef steaks 1" (well) 4 16-18
Beef steaks 1-1/2"(med) 4 18-20
Beef steaks 1-1/2"(well) 4 20-25
Fish fillets and steaks 5 10-16
Pork chops or steaks 1" 4 12-14
Pork chops or steaks 1-1/2" 4 15-20
Bacon 5 7-9
Ham slices (precooked) 1/2" 4 10-15
Ham slices (precooked) 1" 4 15-18