11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000
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System Screens
Figure 8: Test Only Password Screen
Pre-Initialization Antenna Setup
The ACS3000 defines movement in the Az axis as either East or West. In the Northern Hemisphere,
because the antenna points in a southerly direction, East is defined as moving with a decreasing resolver
reading and West as an increasing resolver reading (see Figure A). In the Southern Hemisphere, West is
defined as a decreasing resolver reading and East as an increasing resolver reading (see Figure B).
When installing in the Southern Hemisphere, wire limits as if in the Northern Hemisphere!! The ACS3000
software will AUTOMATICALLY change limits and motor commands to accommodate for the antenna
being located in the Southern Hemisphere. Note: The ACS3000 will assume a Northern Hemisphere
location until the site location initialization process is completed.
The trip of the Az hardware limits MUST reside in the West or East trip point area (see Figure C). Both trip
points MAY NOT reside in the same trip point area. The trip of the El hardware limits MUST reside in the Up
or Down trip point area (see Figure D). Both trip points MAY NOT reside in the same trip point area. Failure
to locate the trip point in the proper location may result in the incorrect calculation of software limits during
the ACS3000 initialization process.
After initialization is complete, all antenna movement commands and limit functions should be checked to
ensure proper operation.