MT8850A / MT8852A Bluetooth Test Set Specification
Dirty transmitter, user control; any entry in the dirty transmitter table can be edited within
the following ranges;
carrier frequency offset: 0 Hz to 100 kHz, 1 kHz resolution. •
Modulation index: 0.25 to 0.38, 0.01 resolution
Symbol timing error: 0 ppm, +20 ppm or 20 ppm
Sensitivity - Multi-Slot Packets
MT8850A/MT8852A measures multi-slot sensitivity according to the Bluetooth RF Test
BER and FER are measured with the EUT in test mode and loopback on.
MT8850A/MT8852A transmits DH5 packets (or DH3 packets if DH5 not supported by
EUT), with a PRBS 9 payload to the EUT. The user can select to run the measurement
with hopping on or off. Dirty transmitter conditions as defined in the Bluetooth test
specifications can be enabled.
Link conditions:
Hopping: OFF or ON, user selectable
Test mode: ON
Loopback: ON
Payload: PRBS 9
Packet type: DH3, DH5
Dirty transmitter (as defined in RF test spec): ON or OFF, user selectable
Supported measurements: BER, total number of bit errors and FER Number of
measurement frequencies: Three with hopping off, or hopping on.
Number of measured bits: 1 to 32,768 packets (for DH3, 1,464 to 47,972,352
bits), (for DH5, 2,712 to 88,866,816 bits).
MT8850A/MT8852A transmitter output range: 0 dBm to -80 dBm, 0.1 dB
BER/FER measurement range: 0.000% to 100%
BER/FER resolution: 0.001%
Dirty transmitter specification: as for single-slot sensitivity section except; in
addition to the measurement condition table, MT8850A/MT8852A transmits with
a sine wave, frequency modulation, with a deviation of ±40 kHz, rate 500 Hz (3
slots) or 300 Hz (5 slots), synchronized to zero phase at the packet start.
C-8 13000-000109
June 2003