
Specification MT8850A / MT8852A Bluetooth Test Set
13000-000109 C-9
June 2003
Maximum Input Level
MT8850A/MT8852A measures BER and FER at the EUT maximum input level according
to the Bluetooth RF Test Specification. Measurement is made with the EUT in test mode,
loopback enabled and hopping off. MT8850A/MT8852A transmits the DH1 packets with a
PRBS 9 payload. The MT8850A/MT8852A transmitter level is set so that the EUT receiver
input level is -20 dBm. BER and FER are measured at three defined frequencies.
Link conditions
Hopping: OFF
Test mode: ON
Loopback: ON
Payload: PRBS 9
Packet type: DH1
Supported measurements: BER and FER for -20 dBm at receiver input
Number of measurement frequencies: Three, default to qualification
specification or user defined
Number of measured bits: 1 to 32,768 packets (216 - 7,077,888 bits)
Transmitter power settable range: 0 dBm to -80 dBm
Resolution: 0.1 dB