Installation and Service Manual Upsilon-Series
Do the following to reactivate factory settings (any changed settings will be lost):
From the standard blue screen display:
1. Select using the right arrow button: Basic settings;
2. Press the OK button;
3. Press the right arrow button until: Restore Defaults
4. Press OK
Screen displays: Restore OK
5. Press OK again
Screen displays: Restore Defaults
This has now restored the factory settings.
From the standard blue screen display:
1. Press down the arrow buttons simultaneously for 2 seconds;
2. Continue with the same instructions from point 1 to 5 described above.
The procedure can take about 20 seconds and shows a blank screen followed by the
text Please Wait.
12 Putoutofoperation
In some cases it might be necessary to put the complete boiler out of operation. The
boiler is put out of operation by switching off the three functions (
, and/or ).
Proceed as follows:
From the standard blue screen display:
1. Press the right arrow button:
Screen displays: Basic setting;
2. Press OK;
Screen displays: CH prog on;
3. Press the - button:
Screen displays: CH prog off;
4. Press OK;
5. Repeat procedure from point 3 onward.
This switches off the functions DHW prog and Pump prog respectively.
6. Press the return button to return to the standard display.
A.O.Smith recommends leaving the power switch switched on to ensure that the boiler
pump(s) and three-way valve (if tted) are automatically activated to prevent them from
sticking. The frost protection remains active. Leave gas valve open.