AOS WPC - Tech Training 68 of 72 Ashland City, TN © 2007
Servicing should only be performed by a Qualified Service Agent
Input Power and Circuit Protection:
Input Specifications:
Power Supply Voltage
120 VAC
†. See page 40 for PDB power supply test procedure.
108 VAC RMS minimum; 132 VAC RMS maximum.
Below 90 VAC will result in lock out. “Low AC Voltage” error
message will be displayed.
Power Supply Requirements
Dedicated 30 amp circuit breaker should be provided.
Voltage across the neutral and ground wires should not
exceed 1 VAC. Dedicated wiring – no shared hot, neutral or
ground wires.
Line Protection (MCB) Fused on PDB to 15 amp @ 120 VAC
Line Output (Pump) Fused on PDB to 20 amp @ 120 VAC
24VAC Power supply 100 VA transformer. Below 18 VAC will result in lockout. “Low 24
VAC” error message will be displayed
24VAC Protection Fused on MCB to 7.5 amp
Temperature Sensors (Probes)
†. Control System Temperature Accuracy: ± 5.4° F (3° C)
Outlet, Inlet, and remote Tank/Loop temperature sensors
(probes). (Display accuracy = ± 5.4° F (3°C)
Wiring to Tank/Loop probe must be in dedicated conduit.
Flame Sensors (2)
High and Low fire
5µA (DC micro amps) current typical. Flame detection failure
occurs under 2.5 µA.
Igniter - Silicon Carbide 40 to 70 ohms cold; 3.0 to 4.0 AC amps typical - minimum
proving current of 2.7 AC amps.
AC Line Polarity Sensor Detects reversed power connections and unconnected ground
leads on power lines referenced to earth ground.
ECO Switch
24 VDC
Normally Closed bimetal thermostat built into outlet probe,
opens on temperature rise @ 244° F ± 5.4° F (118°C ± 3° C)
Enable/Disable Circuit
(Tstat MCB J11 Socket - see
page 28)
Application Warning:
This is a switching circuit;
apply any external
voltage or connect any load
(IE: relay coil) to this circuit.
External control wiring must be in dedicated conduit.
This circuit must be closed or the boiler is disabled. This circuit
can be used to enable/disable boiler with a supervisory control
for: night setback, occupied/unoccupied, freeze protection, lead/
lag of multiple boilers.
This circuit can also be used with a standard aquastat.
If this circuit is used with an external system temperature control
the on board “Oper Setpnt” should be set a minimum of 20°F
higher than external control set point.
When an external control is not used this circuit must be
physically wired together or jumpered to enable operation.