52 Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G
Warranty (certifi cate)
The warranty referred to in Articles 1 and 2 does not apply:
a. if the boiler has been damaged by an external cause;
b. in case of abuse, neglect (including freezing), modifi cation, incorrect and/
or deviating use of the boiler and if attempts were made to repair leaks;
c. if contamination or other impurities were allowed to fl ow into the tank;
d. if the conductivity of the water is less than 125 mS and/or the hardness
(alkaline earth ions) of the water is less than 1.00 mmol/l
(3.3.3 Water composition”);
e. if unfi ltered, recirculated water fl ows through or is stored in the boiler;
f. if the owner has attempted to repair a defective boiler himself.
A.O. Smith’s commitments pursuant to the warranty provided are confi ned to
the free of charge ex-warehouse delivery of the boiler to be replaced or any
parts thereof. A.O. Smith shall not bear the transport, labour, installation and
other costs in connection with the replacement.
A claim based on the warranty provided shall be deposited with the dealer
from whom the boiler was purchased or any other dealer who sells products
manufactured by A.O. Smith. The investigation of the boiler as referred to in the
Articles 1 and 2 will take place in an A.O. Smith laboratory.
Concerning its boilers or any boiler replacement part supplied, respectively,
A.O. Smith will not provide any warranty or guarantee other than the warranty
explicitly stated in this certifi cate.
A.O. Smith shall not accept any liability pursuant to the warranty or otherwise
for any injuries to persons or damage to materials caused by a boiler or
replacement boiler or any part thereof or the stainless steel tank thereof,
respectively, supplied by A.O. Smith.
11.4 Exclusions
11.5 Extent of the warranty
11.6 Claims
11.7 Obligations of
A.O. Smith