10. Reposition the two piece wire connector in the
manifold door opening and secure it with the retainer
11. Carefully bend the new pilot tube and thermocouple
to match the bend of the manifold tube. NOTE: When
bending DO NOT crimp or crease the pilot tube or
thermocouple. (Figure 25)
12. Place the new brass ferrule nut on the pilot tube before
proceeding to the next step.
13. See Replacing the Manifold/Burner Assembly.
External Inspection & Cleaning of the
Base-Ring Filter
At least annually check the base-ring filter (Figure 26)
for any dust or debris that may have accumulated on
the filter screen. NOTE: If the water heater is located
in an area that is subjected to lint and dirt, it may be
necessary to check the base-ring filter more frequently.
Follow the LightingInstructions to turn off the water
heater and allow it to cool for 10 minutes before
attempting to clean the base-ring filter.
Use a vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment to
remove any dust or debris that may have accumulated
on the filter. NOTE: If unable to inspect or clean the
base-ring filter, follow the "Cleaning the Combustion
Chamber and Flame-arrestor" instructions.
After the base-ring filter has been cleaned, follow
the Lighting Instructions to return the water heater to
Cleaning the Combustion Chamber and
Follow procedure outlined in "Removing the Manifold/
Burner Assembly".
Use a vacuum cleaner/shop vac to remove all loose
debris in the combustion chamber (Figure 29). Use
compressed air to clear any dust or debris that may
have accumulated in the flame-arrestor.
3. Reassemble following the procedure under "Replacing
the Manifold/Burner Assembly".
Replacing the Manifold/Burner Assembly
Explosion Hazard
• Tighten both manifold door screws securely.
• Remove any fiberglass between gasket and
combustion chamber.
• Replaceviewport if glass ismissing or damaged.
• Replacetwo piecewire connector ifmissing or
• Replacedoor gasket if damaged.
• Failureto follow these instructions can result in
death, explosion, or fire.
Check the door gasket for damage or imbedded debris
prior to installation.
Inspect the view port for damage and replace as
Insert the manifold/burner assembly into the burner
compartment making sure that the tip of the manifold
tube engages in the slot of the bracket inside the
combustion chamber (Figure 30).
Inspect the door gasket and make sure there is no
fiberglass insulation between the gasket and the
combustion chamber.
Replace the two screws, which secure the manifold/
burner assembly door to the combustion chamber
and tighten securely. Once the manifold/burner
assembly door is tightened, visually inspect the door
gasket between the manifold/burner assembly door
and the combustion chamber for spaces or gaps that
would prevent a seal. IMPORTANT: Do not operate
the water heater if the door gasket does not create a
seal between the manifold door and the combustion
Reconnect the two wire leads to the thermal switch,
the manifold tubing, pilot tubing, and thermocouple
to the gas control valve/thermostat. NOTE: L.P.
gas systems use reverse (left-hand) threads on the
manifold tube. Do not cross-thread or apply any thread
sealant to these fittings. The thermocouple nut should
be started and turned all the way in by hand. An
additional quarter turn with a 7/16" open-end wrench
will then be sufficient to seat the Iockwasher.