
AIS® 3000 10-30kVA, 208V, Site Preparation and Installation Manual – 990-1957 47
The limited warranty provided by American Power Conversion Corporation (“APC”) in this
Statement of Limited Factory Warranty applies only to Products you purchase for your commercial or
industrial use in the ordinary course of your business.
APC product covered
3000 and AIS
3000 Extended Run Battery Enclosure
Terms of warranty
APC warrants that the Product shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period
of one (1) year from the date of start-up when APC authorized service personnel performed the start-
up of the Product, or a maximum of 18 months from the date of Product shipment from APC, when
APC authorized service personnel have not performed the start-up of the Product (“Warranty
Period”). In the event that the Product fails to meet the foregoing warranty, APC shall repair or
replace any defective parts, such repair or replacement to be without charge for on-site labor and
travel if APC authorized personnel have conducted start-up of the Product. An APC Start-Up Service
must be performed/completed by APC authorized service personnel or replacement of defective parts
only will be covered. APC shall have no liability and no obligation to repair the installed Product if
non-authorized personnel performed the start-up and such start-up caused the Product to be defective.
Any parts furnished under this warranty may be new or factory-remanufactured. Repair or
replacement of a defective product or part thereof does not extend the original warranty
Non-transferable warranty extends to first purchaser for use
This Warranty is extended to the first person, firm, association or corporation (herein referred to by
“You” or “Your”) for whom the APC Product specified herein has been purchased. This Warranty is
not transferable or assignable without the prior written permission of APC.
Assignment of warranties
APC will assign to you any warranties which are made by manufacturers and suppliers of
components of the APC Product and which are assignable. Any such warranties are assigned “AS IS”
and APC makes no representations as to the effectiveness or extent of such warranties, assumes NO
RESPONSIBILITY for any matters which may be warranted by such manufacturers or suppliers and
extends no coverage under this Warranty to such components.