
Term used Definition/Meaning
@ At.
/ And/or.
+/- Plus or Minus.
Equal to or less than.
# Number.
°C Degree Celsius.
°F Degree Fahrenheit.
Ø Phase angle.
Ohm; unit of resistance.
® Trade Mark.
AC or ac Alternating current, also implies root-mean-square (rms).
Ambient Temp. Temperature of surrounding air.
Ambient noise Acoustical noise of surrounding environment.
ANSI American National Standard Institute.
AWG American Wire Gauge. A standard unit for measuring wire cross-sectional area.
BTU or Btu British thermal unit. Defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature
of one pound of water by 1°F.
BYPASS mode Load is powered by the bypass input line through the static switch.
CB Circuit breaker.
DC or dc Direct current, or voltage.
Earth ground A ground circuit that has contact with the earth.
GND Electrical ground.
Hz Hertz, frequency measurement unit, 1Hz is one cycle per second.
I Current.
In Nominal current.
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission.
Glossary G — 186-174010-00 B00