Chapter 4: Network Access Software 41
the KVM server module user name and password credentials during this Network Access Software
session do not require a user name and password. The software provides credential caching that
captures credentials upon first use and automates the authentication of subsequent unit connections.
To clear login credentials, in the Network Access Software go to Tools > Clear Login Credentials.
When you select a device and click the Connect Video button, the Video Viewer launches. The
Video Viewer allows you full keyboard, video and mouse control over a device. If a URL has been
defined for a given device, then the Browse button will also be available. The Browse button will
launch the configured Web browser, if any, or the default browser to the defined URL for that
For more information, see Customizing Properties on page 44 and Customizing Options on page
If a server is connected to a CPS that has SSH enabled, the configured Telnet access (Serial
Console Viewer or third party Telnet client) will be launched on top of an SSH tunnel when
required or requested.
You can also scan through a customized list of devices using the Thumbnail Viewer. This view
contains a series of thumbnail frames, each containing a small, scaled, non-interactive version of a
device screen image. For more information, see
Using Scan Mode on page 82.
To access a target device:
1. Click the Servers button in the Network Access Software.
2. Double-click on a target device in the Unit list.
— or —
Select a target device, and then click the connection button: Connect Video (or Browse if a
URL is configured). Only the applicable button or buttons for the selected target device are
— or —
Right-click on the target device. Select the connection entry from the pop-up menu: Connect
Video or Browse if a URL is configured. Only the applicable entry for the selected target
device is visible.
Select a target device in the Unit list and press Enter.
3. If a browser is used for access, no user name and password prompt opens.
If the Video Viewer is used for access, a user name and password prompt opens if this is the
first access attempt during the Network Access Software session.
After a unit is accessed, subsequent access attempts for any unit that uses the KVM server
module user name and password credentials during this Network Access Software session do
not require a user name and password.