1Automatic Transfer Switch—Installation and Quick Start
Preliminary Information
The American Power Conversion (APC
) Rack Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) is a high-availability
switch that provides redundant power to connected equipment and has two input power cords, one for
each AC line. The Rack ATS supplies power to the connected load from a primary AC source. If that
primary source becomes unavailable, the Rack ATS automatically begins sourcing power from the
secondary source. The transfer time from one source to the other is seamless to the connected equipment,
as the switching occurs safely between the two input sources regardless of any phase differences. The
units have built-in network connectivity, which allows for remote management through the Web, SNMP,
or Telnet interfaces.
Additional documentation
This Installation and Quick Start manual and the online User’s Guide are available on the supplied CD
or on the APC Web site, www.apc.com. The online User’s Guide contains additional information about
the following topics related to the Rack ATS:
• Management interfaces
• User accounts
• Customizing setup
• Security
Receiving inspection
Inspect the package and contents for shipping damage, and make sure that all parts were sent. Report any
shipping damage immediately to the shipping agent, and report missing contents, damage, or other
problems immediately to APC or your APC reseller.
Please recycle
The shipping materials are recyclable. Please save them for later use, or dispose of them