Management Information Base
• Configure the access for an NMS to an SNMP community as write access, read
access, or no access (SNMPv1).
Structure of the OID hierarchy in the SNMP browser
The PowerNet MIB fits into a hierarchical structure within your SNMP browser’s
categories. For example, for an HP OpenView for Windows SNMP browser, the OID
categories from the top of the structure down to the top category of PowerNet MIB
OIDs are as follows:
• [iso] (for International Standards Organization)
• [org] (for organization)
• [dod] (for Department of Defense)
• [internet]
• [private]
• [enterprises]
• [apc] (for American Power Conversion)
Structure of the OID hierarchy in the PowerNet MIB
In the hierarchical structure of the PowerNet MIB, the [apc] category of OIDs is at the
top, and individual OIDs are in specific OID categories or within specific OID tables.
There are two categories under [apc]:
• [products] for OIDs to manage specific products.
• [apcmgmt] for OIDs that affect the operation of hardware-based SNMP agents (for
example, Management Cards and MasterSwitch™ units).
For more information on SNMP access controls, see the User’s Guide for
your Management Card or network-enabled device.
See Tabled OIDs.
See Manage Agents and Management Cards.