MasterSwitch Power Distribution Unit User’s Guide 7
Managing the MasterSwitch PDU
Management Interfaces continued
Control Console
Serial Interface. To access the unit’s Control Console, use the supplied
null-modem cable to connect the serial port of the computer to the serial
port on the MasterSwitch
, and set the terminal port to the following
communication settings:
Logging on. To log on to the Control Console using either Telnet or a
serial interface, respond to the user name and password prompts.The
default for both the Administrator user name and the Administrator
password is apc (lowercase).
Note: You can change the user name, password, and time-out
values through the System menu. See
User Manager on
page 18
Using menu items. All menus of the Control Console list items by
number and name.
• To select an item, type the number, and press E
• For menus that configure value, always use the
Accept Changes
option to save any changes that you make.
SNMP interface
MasterSwitch fully supports
—all unit and outlet properties are
configurable through
. For instructions on how to use
manage MasterSwitch, see the Mibguide.pdf and the NMS.pdf files in
the Snmp folder on the
Continued on next page
Baud Rate 2400
Data Bits 8
Stop Bits 1
Parity None
Handshaking None
Local Echo Off
Terminal Type