QLS-4100 X 85
Printhead Angularity Adjustment
The color registration is monitored on the right side of the label as it exits the
printer. The Test Print (Proc. Block CMYK) on the display provides a test pattern
for adjusting the Print Line and Cross Web values. There is a mechanical adjust-
ment for aligning the color registration on the left side of the label which positions
all printheads precisely parallel to each other. The following procedure is referred
to as the color angularity adjustment.
Tools Needed
1/4” Drive Rachet
3/8” Socket
7/64” Allen Wrench
Scroll to Test Print (Proc. Block CMYK) on the display and print the test pattern to
ensure color alignment on the right side of the label.
Scroll to Horizontal Line Pattern and print the process color lines across the label.
Closely inspect the lines on the left side. If any colors are above or below the lines
then the printstation for that color requires an angle adjustment.
A 1/4” drive ratchet and 3/8” socket are required to loosen two nuts on the printhead
bracket. Access to these nuts is through the large 3/4” holes in the black cover
brackets over each printstation. Do not remove these two nuts. Simply turn them
counterclockwise 1/2 revolution.
Lift the printhead up by the handle. Locate the spring-loaded cap screw behind the
black ribbon guide roller at the rear of the printstation. The screw faces the rear on
the outside end of the printhead bracket. With a 7/64” Allen wrench turn the cap
screw clockwise to shift the printed line toward the front of the printer.
Lower the printhead and print the Horizontal lines. Note the physical change in the
printed line of the affected printstation. Repeat step 5 until the printed line is
directly over the other colors.
Tighten the two nuts on the printhead bracket. Care should be taken not to over-
tighten this hardware or damage to the printhead or print station may result. When
all printstations are in alignment all colors will be perfectly superimposed on the
process black line at the top of the test pattern.