
There are ve fan speed levels and four temperature boundaries (see the
gure below). When the GPU temperature goes beyond 40 degrees Celsius,
ASUS SmartCooling will cool down the GPU with the full fan speed (Fastest
level). When the temperature falls between 40 and 35 degrees Celsius, the
fan speed will be set at fast level.
Click the Default button to restore default temperature boundary settings.
Auto Fan Control
When you enable Auto Fan Control feature, the fan speed will adjust
automatically according to GPU Clock.
There are different fan speed levels (eg. medium, fast and fastest). The
default value of the fan speed is medium. The fan speed automatically rises
when GPU clock speed rises (see the gure on the next page), and also
adjust to the fastest level while playing 3D games.
This feature is only available when the ASUS GamerOSD driver is
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