
ASUS Xonar D1
Q7: Will PCM sound output through S/PDIF be just 2 channels even with
different analog output channels?
The S/PDIF protocol specication (IEC-60958) can only carry 2-channel PCM
data or non-PCM AC3/DTS data. So, when a user selects PCM output for S/PDIF,
the Xonar sound card will always deliver 2 channel PCM data through the S/PDIF
output port. For attaining 5.1 channel surround sounds, you can select Dolby
Digital Live encoding output from the S/PDIF out menu, which will allow the Xonar
D1 to deliver 5.1 surround sound for games, DVD movies, and even stereo music.
Q8: Why is it that while playing audio CD, I cannot adjust volume from the
path: Mixer page > Playback > CD?
If you are using the Microsoft
Windows Media Player to play audio les, you
have to change the playback setting of your CD optical drive to Analog. Open
the Windows Media Player and do the following to change the setting: Tools >
Options > Device > CD Properties > Playback > Analog.