ASUS CMI8330 User’s Manual 1
CMI8330 Audio Rack
CMI8330 Audio Rack enables you to take advantage of your computer’s audio
capabilities with all of the controls conveniently in one compact space. You can play
audio CDs, wave files (.WAV and .AUD formats), and MIDI files (.MID and .RMI
formats). With the multisource Audio Mixer, you can blend these sources with line-
in and microphone sources any way you choose. You can then record your creations
as wave files and edit them with the Audio Recorder.
Main Components
• Control Center: controls the appearance of AudioRack components.
• CD Player: plays audio CDs on a CD-ROM drive.
• MIDI Player: plays MIDI files.
• WAVE Player: plays and records files in the .WAV format.
• Mixer: controls the volume level and balance of your audio inputs and outputs.
B. Audio Utilities
CMI3880 Audio Rack
B. Audio Utilities
Insert the ASUS Support CD disc or double click your CD drive icon in My Com-
puter to bring up the autorun screen or run Setup.exe in the root directory of the CD.
Click Install Audio Utilities from the main menu. Follow the onscreen instructions
to install the CMI8330 Audio Rack. The installation will create a CMI8330 Audio
Rack program group.