
ROG Striker II Extreme / Striker II NSE 4-11
4.2.4 Menu items
For example, selecting Main shows the Main menu items.
The other items (Advanced, Power, Boot, and Exit) on the menu bar have their
respective menu items.
4.2.5 Sub-menu items
A solid triangle before each item on any menu screen means that the item has a
sub-menu. To display the sub-menu, select the item and press <Enter>.
4.2.6 Conguration elds
Refer to “4.2.7 Pop-up window.”
4.2.3 Legend bar
At the bottom of the Setup screen is a legend bar. The keys in the legend bar allow
you to navigate through the various setup menus. The following table lists the keys
found in the legend bar with their corresponding functions.
Navigation Key Function
<F1> Displays the General Help screen
<F5> Loads setup default values
<Esc> Exits the BIOS setup or returns to the main menu from a
Left or Right arrow Selects the menu item to the left or right
Up or Down arrow 
Page Down or – (minus) 
Page Up or + (plus) 
<Enter> 
<F10> Saves changes and exit