Chapter 4: Software support
Chapter 4
• Only computers under Windows
7/8 support the DLNA Media Hub function.
• Keep the Windows Media Player open. Ensure that your media le formats supported
on Windows Media Player and DLNA playback devices.
3. Click any of the tabs to select your preferred media le type.
Playing music
To play music:
1. Click Music tab.
2. Tick Library to view or play les.
Tick Playlist and select an
existing playlist from the
dropdown list.
3. Click a music le, and click .
Editing the library
To edit the library:
1. Tick Library.
2. Click to add or delete music
3. Click Add and locate the le from
the directory. To delete, tick the
selected le and click Delete.
4. Click OK.
Editing the music playlist
To edit the music playlist:
1. Tick Playlist.
2. Click .
3. Tick to select or deselect the
music le and click .
4. Select the prole name and click
Save. To add as a new playlist,
key in your prole name and click
5. To delete the playlist, select the
prole and click .