
3-32 Chapter 3: BIOS setup
PWR Button < 4 secs [Instant-Off]
When set to [Instant-Off], the system goes into Soft-off mode after you press the
power button for less than 4 seconds. When set to [Suspend], the system goes
into Suspend mode after you press the power button for less than 4 seconds.
Conguration options: [Suspend] [Instant-Off]
Power Up On PCI/PCIE Devices [Disabled]
Allows you to enable or disable the PME to wake up from S5 by PCI/PCIE devices
and the NVIDIA
onboard LAN.
Conguration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Power On By External Modems [Disabled]
When set to [Enabled], this item allows you to power on the computer in Soft-off
mode with an external modem.
Conguration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
When a computer is off, turning an external modem off and then on causes an
initialization string that turns on the computer.
Power On By RTC Alarm [Disabled]
Allows you to enable or disable RTC to generate a wake event. When this item
is set to [Enabled], the items Date (of Month) Alarm and Alarm Time (hh:mm)
become user-congurable with set values.
Conguration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Date (of Month) Alarm [XX]
To set the date of alarm, highlight this item and press <Enter> to display the Date
(of Month) Alarm pop-up menu. Key-in a value within the specied range then
press <Enter>. Value ‘0’ means everyday. Conguration options: [Min=0] [Max=31]
Alarm Time (hh:mm) [ XX: XX: XX]
To set the time of alarm, highlight this item and press <Enter> to display the Alarmhighlight this item and press <Enter> to display the Alarm
Time pop-up menu. Key-in a value within the specied range then press <Enter>.
Conguration options: [Min=0] [Max=23]---hour
[Min=0] [Max=59]---minute
[Min=0] [Max=59]---second
HPET Support [Enabled]
The hardware High Precision Efcient Timer (HPET) is to increase the
performance of the Vista Multimedia player and can meet Vista’s requirement.
Disable this feature if your system is running under XP environment.
Conguration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]