
ASUS MEW-AM User’s Manual40
4.4 Advanced Menu
Plug & Play O/S [No]
This field allows you to use a Plug-and-Play (PnP) operating system to con-
figure the PCI bus slots instead of using the BIOS. When [Yes] is selected,
interrupts may be reassigned by the OS. When a non-PnP OS is installed or
you want to prevent reassigning of interrupt settings, select the default set-
ting of [No]. Configuration options: [No] [Yes]
Boot Virus Detection [Enabled]
This field allows you to set boot virus detection, ensuring a virus-free boot
sector. This new antivirus solution is unlike native BIOS tools, which offer
limited virus protection typically by write-protecting the partition table. With
this new solution, your computer is protected against boot virus threats ear-
lier in the boot cycle, that is, before they have a chance to load into your
system. This ensures your computer boots to a clean operating system. The
system halts and displays a warning message when it detects a virus. If this
occurs, you can either allow the operation to continue or use a virus-free
bootable floppy disk to restart and investigate your system. Because of con-
flicts with new operating systems, for example, during installation of new
software, you may have to set this to [Disabled] to prevent write errors.
Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Quick Power On Self Test [Enabled]
This field speeds up the Power-On Self Test (POST) routine by skipping
retesting a second, and third time. A complete test of the system memory
can be done on the first test. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Advanced Menu