You can also use the volume control on the right side of your tab-
let when you hear spoken feedback.
Enhance web accessibility
In order to have full accessibility support for products such as
Gmail and Chrome, you’ll need to turn on the Enhance web ac-
cessibility option. Go to Settings > Accessibility > Enhance web
accessibility, and double-tap Allow. This allows apps to install
scripts that make web content more accessible.
Use Explore by Touch with TalkBack
When TalkBack is turned on, you have the option to use the Ex-
plore by Touch feature. Explore by Touch allows you to drag your
nger slowly over your screen and describes each item that your
nger touches.
Talkback must be turned on for Explore by Touch to be avail-
able. When you turn on TalkBack for the rst time, you’ll receive a
prompt to turn on Explore by Touch.
Important: If you chose not to turn on Explore by Touch when
you switched on TalkBack, you can bring the prompt back by dis-
abling TalkBack and turning it on again. Go to Settings > Acces-
sibility > TalkBack, then slide the TalkBack switch to Off. Repeat
the step to turn TalkBack on. Once you turn on Explore by Touch,
you can’t turn it off separately from TalkBack unless you factory
data reset your tablet.
Each action you take with your nger alerts you with spoken feed-
back, as well as sound (if enabled).
To navigate your tablet using Explore by Touch, you can: