ASUS P4U800-X motherboard
3.2.2 Drivers menu
The drivers menu shows the available device drivers if the system detects installed
devices. Install the necessary drivers to activate the devices.
ALI AGP Driver
This item installs the ALI
AGP driver to enable you to use the AGP port.
IDE Driver
This item installs the IDE drivers to enable you to use the IDE ports.
AD1888 SoundMAX Audio Driver
Installs the ADI AD1888 audio driver and application to activate the 6-channel
audio feature.
ALI 10/100M LAN Driver
This item installs the ALI
LAN driver to support 10/100 Mbps networking.
USB 2.0 Driver
This item installs the USB 2.0 driver.
3.2.3 Utilities menu
The Utilities menu shows the applications and other software that the motherboard
This smart utility monitors the fan speed, CPU temperature, and system voltages,
and alerts you on any detected problems. This utility helps you keep your computer
at a healthy operating condition.