
Chapter 4: BIOS setupChapter 4: BIOS setup
Chapter 4: BIOS setupChapter 4: BIOS setup
Chapter 4: BIOS setup
The following item appears only when the
AI Overclocking AI Overclocking
AI Overclocking AI Overclocking
AI Overclocking item is set
to [AI NOS].
N.O.S. Mode [Auto]N.O.S. Mode [Auto]
N.O.S. Mode [Auto]N.O.S. Mode [Auto]
N.O.S. Mode [Auto]
Sets the Non-Delay Overclocking System mode. Setting to [Auto] loads the
optimum sensitivity and overclocking percentage setting.
Configuration options: [Auto] [Manual]
The following items appear only when the
N.O.S. Mode N.O.S. Mode
N.O.S. Mode N.O.S. Mode
N.O.S. Mode item is set to
Sensitivity [Sensitive]Sensitivity [Sensitive]
Sensitivity [Sensitive]Sensitivity [Sensitive]
Sensitivity [Sensitive]
Allows you to select the sensitivity of the AI NOS sensor. Refer to the
description of the configuration options below.
Normal overclocking is activated depending on the CPU loading.
Sensitive Sensitive
Sensitive Sensitive
Sensitive – overclocking is activated even on a light CPU loading.
Less Sensitive Less Sensitive
Less Sensitive Less Sensitive
Less Sensitive –
activates overclocking only when the CPU loading
is heavy.
Target Freqency [Overclock 3%]Target Freqency [Overclock 3%]
Target Freqency [Overclock 3%]Target Freqency [Overclock 3%]
Target Freqency [Overclock 3%]
Allows you to select the ma ximum overclocking percentage when AI NOS is
activated. Configuration options: [Overclock 3%] [Overclock 5%]
[Overclock 7%] [Overclock 10%] [Overclock 15%] [Overclock 20%]
[Overclock 30%]
The following item appears only when the
AI Overclocking AI Overclocking
AI Overclocking AI Overclocking
AI Overclocking item is set
to [Overclock Profile].
Overclock Options [Overclock 5%]Overclock Options [Overclock 5%]
Overclock Options [Overclock 5%]Overclock Options [Overclock 5%]
Overclock Options [Overclock 5%]
Allows you to overclock the CPU speed through the available preset values.
Configuration options: [Overclock 5%] [FSB888/DDR2-667]
[Overclock 10%] [FSB960/DDR2-800]
[Overclock 15%] [FSB1280/DDR2-800]
[Overclock 20%] [FSB1333/DDR2-667]
[Overclock 30%] [FSB1333/DDR2-834]