
ASUS P5V-VM Ultra Motherboard 2-3
2. The utility will copy the current system BIOS by default to the oppy disk. Make
sure that the oppy disk is not write-protected and has enough space (at least
600KB) to store the le.
The BIOS information on the screen is for reference only. What you see on your
screen may not be exactly the same as shown.
When the BIOS copy process is complete, the utility returns to the DOS prompt.
A:\>afudos /oMYBIOS03.rom
AMI Firmware Update Utility - Version 1.10
Copyright (C) 2002 American Megatrends, Inc. All rights reserved.
2.1.3 Using AFUDOS to update the BIOS
The AFUDOS is a DOS-based application that lets you update the BIOS le using
a bootable oppy diskette. AFUDOS also allows you to copy the original BIOS le
to a oppy diskette.
To update the BIOS using the AFUDOS.EXE:
1. Download the latest BIOS le from the website provided by the system builder.
Main lename Extension name
A:\>afudos /oMYBIOS03.rom
AMI Firmware Update Utility - Version 1.10
Copyright (C) 2002 American Megatrends, Inc. All rights reserved.
Write the BIOS lename on a piece of paper. You need to type the exact BIOS
le name at the prompt.
2. Copy the AFUDOS.EXE utility from the support CD to the bootable oppy disk
that contains the BIOS le.
3. Boot the system from the oppy disk.