Enhanced Intel SpeedStepEnhanced Intel SpeedStep
Enhanced Intel SpeedStepEnhanced Intel SpeedStep
Enhanced Intel SpeedStep
Technology (EIST) Technology (EIST)
Technology (EIST) Technology (EIST)
Technology (EIST)
The Enhanced Intel SpeedStep
Technology (EIST) intelligently manages
the CPU resources by automatically adjusting the CPU voltage and core
frequency depending on the CPU loading and system speed or power
requirement. See page 4-26 and the Appendix for details.
DDR2 memory support DDR2 memory support
DDR2 memory support DDR2 memory support
DDR2 memory support
The motherboard supports DDR2 memory, which features data transfer
rates of 800/667/533 MHz to meet the higher bandwidth requirements of
the latest 3D graphics, multimedia, and Internet applications. The
dual-channel DDR2 architecture doubles the bandwidth of your system
memory to boost system performance, eliminating bottlenecks with peak
bandwidths of up to 10.7 GB/s. See page 2-14 for details.
interface interface
interface interface
The motherboard supports PCI-X, the new and improved version of the
previous PCI standard. PCI-X offers faster data transfers and enhanced system
reliability with ECC automatic single-bit error recovery and double-bit error
detection. PCI-X, which is backward-compatible with PCI-based hardware and
software, enables users to keep pace with upcoming advances in
high-bandwidth, business-critical applications such as Fiber Channel, RAID,
InfiniBrand™ Architecture, and iSCSI. See page 2-23 for details.
PCI Express™ interface PCI Express™ interface
PCI Express™ interface PCI Express™ interface
PCI Express™ interface
The motherboard fully supports PCI Express, the latest I/O interconnect
technology that speeds up the PCI bus. PCI Express features point-to-point
serial interconnections between devices and allows higher clockspeeds by
carrying data in packets. This high speed interface is software compatible with
existing PCI specifications. See page 2-23 for details.
S/PDIF digital sound ready S/PDIF digital sound ready
S/PDIF digital sound ready S/PDIF digital sound ready
S/PDIF digital sound ready
The motherboard supports the S/PDIF technology through the S/PDIF
interfaces on the rear panel. The S/PDIF technology turns your computer into
a high-end entertainment system with digital connectivity to powerful audio
and speaker systems. See page 2-33 for details.