
4-36 Chapter 4: Software support
Knowing the Express Gate hot-keys
Here is a list of common-used hot-keys for Express Gate.
In the First Screen:
Key Function
ESC/F8 Continue to boot OS
DEL Enter BIOS setup
In the Express Gate Environment:
Key Function
<Alt> + <Tab> Switch between softwares
<Ctrl> + <Alt> + <Del> Bring up Power-Off dialog box
<Ctrl> + <Alt> + <Print Screen> Save screen snapshot as picture to le
Once inside the Express Gate SSD environment, click on the icons on the
LaunchBar, by default at bottom of the screen, to launch or switch between
softwares. You can re-arrange, re-size and move windows. Bring a window to the
foreground by clicking within it or by clicking on its corresponding software icon.
Re-size a window by dragging any of its four corners. Move a window by dragging
its title bar.
Besides using the LaunchBar, you can also switch between softwares by pressing
<Alt> +<Tab> on the keyboard. You can also right-click anywhere on the desktop to
bring up a menu of softwares.
The red triangle on an software icon in the LaunchBar denotes that the software is
already running. This means that you can switch to it without any delay. In the rare
case where an software stops responding, right-click on its icon to force close it.