4-26 Chapter 4: BIOS setup
4.6 Monitor menu
The Monitor menu displays the system temperature/power status, and allows you
to change the fan settings.
Aptio Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 2010 American Megatrends, Inc.
Main Event Logs Advanced Monitor Boot Tool Exit
CPU Temperature(PECI) [ +35ºC/ +94ºF]
MB Temperature [ +35ºC/ +94ºF]
TR1 Temperature [ N/A ]
CPU FAN1 Speed [ 1305 RPM]
FRNT FAN1 Speed [ N/A ]
FRNT FAN2 Speed [ N/A ]
FRNT FAN3 Speed [ N/A ]
REAR FAN1 Speed [ N/A ]
FAN Speed Control [Generic Mode]
VCORE1 [ +1.200 V ]
+3.3V [ +3.360 V ]
+5V [ +5.160 V ]
+12V [ +12.384 V ]
VBAT [ +3.408 V ]
+3VSB [ +3.422 V ]
+1.5V [ +1.496 V ]
CPU/MB/TR1 Temperature [xxx�C/xxx�F][xxx�C/xxx�F]
The onboard hardware monitor automatically detects and displays the CPU and
motherboard component temperatures. Select Ignore if you do not wish to display
the detected temperatures.
CPU FAN1 Speed; FRNT FAN1–3 Speed; REAR FAN1 Speed
[xxxx RPM] or [Ignore] / [N/A]
The onboard hardware monitor automatically detects and displays the speed of
CPU fans, front fans, and rear fan in rotations per minute (RPM). If the fan is not
connected to the motherboard, the eld shows
Fan Speed Control [Generic Mode]
Allows you to congure the ASUS Smart Fan feature that smartly adjusts the fan
speeds for more efcient system operation.
Conguration options: [Full Speed Mode] [High Density Mode] [Generic Mode]
[Whisper Mode]
VCORE1 Voltage, 3.3V Voltage, +5V Voltage, +12V Voltage,
VBAT Voltage, +3VSB Voltage, +1.5V ICHVoltage
The onboard hardware monitor automatically detects the voltage output through
the onboard voltage regulators. Select
if you do not want to detect this item.