ASUS PR-DLS motherboard user guide
Drivers are digitally signed by the Microsoft Windows Hardware Quality
Lab (WHQL). Due to the delay between the general customer release
by LSI Logic of Windows drivers and the completion of WHQL testing,
some drivers that are distributed with adapters or downloaded from the
LSI Logic web site at www.lsilogic.com may not be digitally signed.
12. The system will load the driver from the LSI driver disk. A message
box may appear indicating that the target (existing) driver is newer
than the source (upgrade) driver. Click No to cancel the driver
upgrade at this point or click Yes to continue the installation.
11. In some cases, a message will state that this driver is not digitally
signed. This message informs the user that a non-signed driver is
being installed. Either click No to cancel the installation if the non-
signed driver is not desired or click Yes to continue the installation.